# Technical outline
The following document describes the math behind the distribution of rewards in Octant. If you would rather read a math-free description of how Octant works click here.
📝 Note: Since publishing this outline, we have revised the algorithm we use to calculate User Rewards. The new changes, which have yet to be reflected in this document, significantly increase the ETH rewards for users. You can read about Octant's algorithm overhaul here (opens new window). We will update the formulas provided in this document shortly.
The original Octant paper, which explains the logic behind the math, is available here (opens new window). 📝
, , denotes time/subsequent epochs; denotes Octant users. In particular it is assumed that in epoch there are participants. may vary from epoch to epoch; denotes eligible causes. In particular it is assumed that in epoch there are causes purposes eligible to receive donations. may vary from epoch to epoch.
If user
# User Rewards
Individual rewards that a Octant user can claim or donate in epoch
In every epoch
At the aggregate level, the entire budget available for individual rewards
Users may choose to claim only a fraction of the available individual reward and to donate the remaining available amount to one (or more) of the public good purposes/organizations. In every epoch
A user
The individual reward claimed by the user (
The aggregate amount of redeemed individual rewards (
# Matched Rewards
If users decide not to claim their individual rewards, they can choose to donate it for one (or more) of the eligible causes. In this case, their individual contribution
At the aggregate level, the budget available for matched rewards in epoch
In order to be eligible for receiving donations in epoch
At the level of an individual (
The fraction of
# Example: How funding works from a Octant user’s perspective
Alice (denoted as
She decides to claim/withdraw 30% of the available user reward (
She also decides to split the remaining 70% between 4 organizations: 10% to organization A, 10% to organization B, 20% to organization C, and 30% to organization D.
When other Octant participants have made their decisions, it turns out that only organizations C and D are eligible for funding, as organizations A and B did not reach the minimum threshold of contributions.
This results in the following distribution:
30% of Alice's user reward goes to her.
20% of Alice's user reward (i.e., allocations to organizations A [10%] and B [10%] that haven't passed the threshold) is transferred to Golem Foundation.
50% of Alices' individual rewards (i.e., allocations to organizations C [20%] and D [30%]) is donated to the recipients, proportionally increased by Alice's matched rewards: organization C receives 40% of the matched rewards
and organization D receives 60% ( ).
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